How to Convert OLM to PST by Follow These easy steps


Step 1 Download and Run OLM to PST converter software.

step 1

Step 2 Cliack on the "Open" button to browse the OLM file.

step 2

Step 3Click on the "Preview" option to check the OLM file.

step 3

Step 4 Select the desired destination path and choose the Export option.

step 4

Step 5 Click on "Split" option to split a PST file according to the size.

step 5

Step 6 After that, choose the "Message Filtering" Option to filter message by specific date range. Click on "Convert Now" button to start the conversion process.

step 6

Step 7 The OLM to PST Conversion process starts.

step 7

Step 8 You will get a message for a successful conversion.

step 8

Step 9 For Office 365
Click on "Office 365" from the menu. By default, Office 365 is selected. Enter Office 365 credentials.

step 9

Step 10 Now, click on the "Export Now" button to import the OLM file to Office 365 account.

step 10

Step 11 For Live Exchange Server
Click on "Office 365" icon from the menu and select Exchange Server option. Enter Exchange Server credentials.

step 11

Step 12 Click on the " Export Now" button to import OLM file to a Live Exchnage Server account.

step 12